lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Second day, We are still narrowing our field study

First of all, I would like to say that some of my entries will be written in English because I think it is a good way to practise it , especially that having a good level of English at engineering is crucial to spread your work internationally. Also, I apologize for all the mistakes that my writing can contain. 
Today we have continued with the introduction to the linear circuits, focusing on all kinds of interpretations that we can have of them. I am talking about the circuit model, the physical circuit and the system of equations. The circuit model is a conceptual representation of the most outstanding physical phenomenons which take place at the circuit. In this last group we find: 

        - Electric energy dissipation  
        - Electric energy storage (electric and magnetic fields)
        - Voltage and current generators

We need to have clear the symbols of each one of the above to design the circuit model. To simplify this task, a worlwide set of symbols has been abided. Finally, we have to stablish the system of equations which turns to be a linear differential system of equations with constant coefficients. As we go forward through the course, we will solve them easily, as we will be given lots of circuits to study to achieve our objective: to be masters in analysing circuits to become artists in designing them. 

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