As usual, the first ten minutes of the class have been dedicated to questions and a bit of refreshing the past lessons. Then, we have carried on with the specificities of the analysis of circuits working in a SPR.
This time we have focused on the extension of the equivalent resistance to the SPR. It has been shown how a dependent generator can be simply substituted by a resistance! During the last lesson, we introduced the concept of the impedance, and now we know that its real part is called resistance and its imaginary part, reactance.
As the class carried on, we have studied the bipoles and how can we replace some bipoles for other bipoles different in elements but which do the same function. Nay, any dipole that operates in a frequency w=a+jb can be replaced for either a resistance, an inductance followed by a resistance or a condensator followed by a resistance.
Also, some concepts such as susceptance, afitance or conductance have been introduced to us.
During the last part of the class, we have worked on assuring the least number of errors in our circuits, and even better if they are minimal. A good way to achieve that is substituting jw for a new parameter called s and make it tend to both zero and infinite.
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