lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Seventeenth class, Bode's Diagrams

As we finished our lessons about the transformers and its applications now we have to move on, well, in this case, move a bit backwards in order to carry on with the network function topic, one which we thought to be concluded. 

This time, we have learned something called Bode's diagrams, a representation of the network function of a circuit in relation to the frequency of it. When I said the network function I should have specified: it's twenty times the ten-base logarithm of the network function. We have to acknowledge that to Hendrik W. Bode, who invented this useful method in order to obtain a more qualified 'lecture' of a circuit. With this method we can predict the behavior of a circuit in different frequency rates, and get a numeric value of its network function at that point. Also, we have a Bode diagram for the phase of the network function in relation with the frequency.

As we represent logarithms, studied Bode's diagrams are a composition of straight lines, which are called the asymptotes of the diagram, both the first and the last one correspond to the values of the network function when the frequency gets the lowest and the highest values, respectively. 

Time's up and we'll have to continue with this topic in the next class. Meanwhile, I leave here an example of a Bode diagram. 

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