Last day, we started a new topic, Bode's diagrams, and we are far away of dominating it, so today we have continued with it. As a routine, we have triggered the class with a refreshment of the topic and a round of questions if someone had something not pretty clear.
During the first part of the class we have introduced the typical Bode diagram for each one of the most well-known network function, in order to get it from our minds when we face it in a problem. That's what I call optimization! So, all we have seen are straight lines until we have calculated the exact value of the network function at the point where the change of way is. We were pretty shocked as the new graphic turned out to be a bit rounded. Thus, we have learned that Bode diagrams are not always a combination of straight lines. ¿Shall we worry?
Obviously no. During the second part of the class we have got a snap of the Bode diagrams of a second degree polynomial. We have seen that they can be put in function of two parameters, rho and w. We have studied the result of the roots of the polynomial depending of the value of those parameters, but we have arrived to the conclusion that when rho is less than 0.5 our Bode diagram presents what we call a resonance peak, a point at the diagram where the value of the network function is so high that it displays a well-defined peak.
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