It's time to change the topic of the lesson again. This time? Laplace Transform. With the first glance I have thought that I might have to study pretty much harder because I am the only one at my class who didn't see that topic during his calculus classes last term, there are some disadvantages in coursing two degrees at the same time.
But that has just been what I expected, it has turned out to be much more simple. Throughout the course we have just focused on the permanent sinusoidal state and ignored completely the transitory state that the circuits can have. With Laplace transform and the help of de zero-poles diagram we can predict with a surprisingly precision the answer of a circuit. We just have to see where the poles are in order to get the results of the differential equation that the circuit requires. We have seen the basic polynomial that we can find in a network function and analysed their solution to the differential equation. So, from now on, we dispose of a bunch of formulas in our minds to save up time in our analysis.
Also, we have studied a quite interesting function, the step function, which acts like a DC generator with a switch that goes on at a certain time. We will continue with this new topic in the next class and study the complete response of a circuit.
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